What We Do


Accounting and taxes shouldn't get in the way of a good idea.

Augur CPA helps entrepreneurs attain financial sustainability as one pillar in a holistic plan for personal well-being. We accomplish this by informing financial decisions with reliable data and insights.

Our approach is simple.

First, we perfect the basics: consistent monthly accounting, on-time tax filings, and automated payroll. We establish an effective financial reporting infrastructure by putting in place the right people, software and processes.

Utilizing data from this system, we project tax liabilities and strategize to maximize after-tax income. Further we predict and control cash flows through forecasting, budgeting, and ongoing touch points.

We enable the creative process by unlocking time for deep work and alleviating financial stress through trustworthy advice and reliable information.


An all-in-one finance team.


Tax-ready financials and monthly reporting to keep you informed.


Accurate, on-time tax returns and strategies to minimize next year's taxes.

CFO Support

Be proactive about cash flow with guidance from a trusted advisor.


Automated payroll and tax-advantaged employee benefits.


We serve two kinds of entrepreneurs.

(and everyone else in between).


Visionaries are big picture thinkers and filled with innovative ideas. They are wellsprings of creativity, but they often struggle to transform their visions into viable business models. Visionaries may feel suffocated by the financial realities to which they're constrained.

Our firm provides visionaries with a financial blueprint for their ideas, helping them turn creative concepts into sustainable ventures. We support visionaries by informing creative decisions with financial realities.


Strategists are action-oriented entrepreneurs who excel at formulating and executing plans. Their bias toward action, however, often leaves crucial tasks such as financial management overlooked, creating chaos and stagnating business growth.

Our firm empowers strategists by managing the details of their business finances, liberating them to focus on other business areas. We provide reliable financial info that enables proactive decision-making, reducing stress and providing clarity.

Ready to get started?

Make tax and accounting painless. Gain peace of mind over your business finances.

Made in Virginia